"A passionate taste for growing, for Being, this is what we need. Let the fainthearted, and the skeptics, the pessimists and the sad, the tired and the anti-progress stay behind. Life is perpetual discovery. Life is movement."

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881-1955) a Jesuit priest, a geologist and a paleontologist, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881-1955) was above all a tireless researcher. He is one of the first to have offered an evolutionary synthesis of the History of the Universe and of Life as it is explained to us today by the scientific community, and to have extended it to a Christian religious dimension.

His vision of the world, presented among other things in his posthumous work "The Human Phenomenon", is conceived around the central theme of evolution: evolution as the rise of complexity that supports consciousness with the hypothesis of a convergence into an 'Omega' point, the Universal Christ or St. Paul's Cosmic. In particular, he developed the concept of the "noosphere", the Earth's thinking envelope, and explained the current phenomenon of planetarization.


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