In time and against time


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For several years now, the review “Teilhard Aujourd’hui” has published interviews with leading personalities in each of its issues. Each of them tried to step back from the news and reframe it in a broader context, leaving room for the Teilhardian concepts of Evolution.
This little book allows improbable meetings…
Politicians such as Michel Rocard, whose last interviews were held here, Michel Camdessus, 14 years Director General of the IMF, and Philippe Herzog, a convinced European, rub shoulders with researchers such as Pierre Giorgini, Rector of the Catholic University of Lille, who testifies to the dazzling nature of the transitions underway, and physicist Louis Avan and space specialist Jacques Arnould, who bear witness to the place occupied by scientists in society; theologians such as the Dominican Jean-Michel Maldamé, member of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, and the Jesuit Gustave Martelet who participated in the Vatican II Council and was a tireless disseminator of the work of Teilhard de Chardin; renowned ecclesiastics such as Philippe Capelle-Dumont, president of the Catholic Academy of France, and Henri Madelin, a shrewd observer of European issues for the Catholic Church.
This series of interviews was conceived with the aim of shedding light on the acceleration of time in history, which everyone can become aware of in their professional and social lives, in the light of the “Holy Evolution” according to Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. The acceleration of time can destabilize and discourage us by making the landmarks that used to be our fixed points disappear. The return to the thought of Teilhard, on the contrary, is likely to restore our hope

The interviews
Michel Rocard – Michel Camdessus – Jean-Marie Pelt – Philippe Herzog – Louis Avan – Jean-Jacques Arnould – Jean-Michel Maldamé – Gustave Martelet – Philippe Capelle-Dumont – Henri Madelin – Hugues De Jouvenel – Alex Wang – Gérard Donnadieu – Pierre Giorgini

Additional Info

Additional information

Weight 318 g
Product reference



collective – interviews conducted by Jacques Masurel


Saint-Léger Editions


paperback-300 pages




