Dear friend,

    Unless we are mistaken, or there are disruptions due to the confinement we are all under, we have not yet received your membership for the year 2020.

    We would therefore like to remind you that your loyalty is a determining factor in enabling us to continue our missions, which all contribute to the widest possible dissemination of the thought of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. Among other things, despite the lockdown, we plan to continue organizing our annual conference for the end of November and, on this occasion, we plan to convene the GA that had to be cancelled in April.

    You will find,
by clicking on this link
You will find the membership form that you can choose to send back to us by post, but you can also go to our website to join online. All you need to know is the email address with which you registered last year and the password used for this site. If you don’t know this one anymore, just ” request a newpassword ” and follow the instructions provided. However, if you have changed your email address, please send an email to Mathilde( to ask her to modify this email on our database. Of course, the payment on this site is totally secure.

      Thanking you in advance, please accept, dear friend, our most cordial sentiments.

Chantal AMOUROUX and Mathilde HALLYNCK