Dear friends of Teilhard,

This is a difficult time, but it’s still Christmas!

We are happy to share with you the “cosmic” wishes of our friends of the Spanish association and we share with you the analysis of the last writings of Father Teilhard de Chardin composed by Father Agustín Udías, SJ. It is a text of great depth, in line with the thought of Father Teilhard.

We wish you all a happy holiday season and hope to see you next year!

Marie-Anne Roger, Dominique Delalande, Philippe Durandin, Jacqueline Quéniart, Isabelle de Vaulx.

Dear friends of Teilhard,

These are difficult times, but nevertheless here is Christmas coming!

We are happy to share with you the cosmic wishes of our friends from the Spanish association and we also send you the analysis of the last writings of Father Teilhard de Chardin, a study by Father Agustín Udías, SJ. It is a text with a deep insight, totally in line with the thought of Father Teilhard.

We wish you all a happy holiday season, see you next year!

Marie-Anne Roger, Dominique Delalande, Philippe Durandin, Jacqueline Quéniart, Isabelle de Vaulx.

Queridos amigos de Teilhard,

¡Son tiempos difíciles, pero aún es Navidad!

Nos complace compartir con ustedes los deseos “cósmicos” de nuestros amigos de la asociación española y también el análisis de los últimos escritos del Padre Teilhard de Chardin compuesto por el Padre Agustín Udías, SJ. It is a text of great profundity, in the line of the thought of Father Teilhard.

Os deseamos a todos unas felices fiestas y esperamos veros el año que viene.

Marie-Anne Roger, Dominique Delalande, Philippe Durandin, Jacqueline Quéniart, Isabelle de Vaulx.