Thierry Magnin, physicist and theologian, member of the Academy of technologies and the Catholic Academy of France and currently rector of the Catholic University of Lyon, gives us his thoughts on the theme of transhumanism, in a new book published by Albin Michel. He discusses the thought of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. 

The back cover:

The meteoric progress of biotechnology, combined with the digital revolution, suggests a radically different future for humanity. Can the “augmented” man by  technologies, and soon “transhuman”, really “save man” or should it provoke a virulent resistance ? Through the criticism of the argument transhumanist, founded on a conception impoverished of what makes the human, Thierry Magnin invites us to carry a new glance on the greatness and the vulnerability of our human condition. What is man at a time when we will soon be able to replace his organs by intelligent machines, or even transfer his brain to supercomputers? Can the Christian anthropology help us to approach with confidence the announced revolution so that it opens us, not to an abandonment of the human, but to its true fulfillment?