Dear Teilhardian friends,

We found letters from Father Teilhard de Chardin to his friend Theodore Monod, descendant of a long line of Protestant pastors, humanist, philosopher and man of science, one of the greatest specialists of the Sahara in the 20th century. We have chosen from this correspondence what Teilhard said to him about the origin of the word “noosphere”, and we remain in the same note by communicating to you a passage from “The Singularities of the Human Species” which deals with this subject, and which can be read in volume 2 of his works “The Apparition of Man”.

We wish you a good reading and say our regards,

Marie-Anne Roger, Dominique Delalande, Philippe Durandin, Jacqueline Quéniart.


Dear friends of Teilhard,

We have found some letters from Father Teilhard de Chardin to his friend Théodore Monod, a descendant of a long line of Protestant ministers, a humanist, a philosopher and a man of science, one of the greatest specialists of the Sahara in the 20th century. From this correspondence we have chosen what Teilhard said to him about the origin of the word “noosphere”, and we remain in the same note by providing a passage from “The Singularities of the Human Species” which deals with this subject. You can read the whole of it in volume 2 of Teilhard’s works “The Appearance of Man”.

We hope you will enjoy all this and send you our best regards,

Marie-Anne Roger, Dominique Delalande, Philippe Durandin, Jacqueline Quéniart.


Queridos amigos teilhardianos,

Hemos encontrado cartas del padre Teilhard de Chardin a su amigo Théodore Monod, descendiente de una larga estirpe de pastores protestantes, humanista, filósofo y hombre de ciencia, uno de los mayores especialistas del Sahara en el siglo XX Hemos escogido de esta correspondencia lo que Teilhard le dijo sobre el origen de la palabra “noosfera”, y nos quedamos en la misma nota comunicándole un pasaje de “Las Singularidades de la Especie Humana” que trata de este tema, y que se puede leer en el volumen 2 de sus obras “La Aparición del Hombre”.

Le deseamos una buena lectura y le enviamos un saludo,

Marie-Anne Roger, Dominique Delalande, Philippe Durandin, Jacqueline Quéniart.