Dear friends,

Our Teilhardian Jesuit friend, Father Valerian Mendonca, Indian, lives in a country devastated by Covid 19. A text entitled “The crisis of the pandemic: catastrophe or catalyst?” was published by the magazine of the French association “Noosphere” in its number 14, and Father Valerian has sent us a second, more elaborate version of his text, composed at the beginning of June and which we are sending you today. This new text, which includes significant references to Teilhard, seems to us both current and full of prospects for the future.

Best wishes to all,

Marie-Anne Roger, Dominique Delalande, Philippe Durandin, Jacqueline Quéniart.

Dear friends,

Our Teilhardian Jesuit friend, Father Valerian Mendonca, from India, lives in a country devastated by Covid 19. A text entitled “The Pandemic Crisis: A Catastrophe or A Catalyst?” was published by the periodical of the French association “Noosphere” in its issue n° 14, and Father Valerian has sent us a second, more elaborate version of his text, composed at the beginning of June, which we are sending you today. This new text, which includes significant references to Teilhard, seems to us both timely and full of perspectives for the future.

Kind regards to all,

Marie-Anne Roger, Dominique Delalande, Philippe Durandin, Jacqueline Quéniart.

Queridos amigos,

Nuestro amigo jesuita teilhardiano, el padre Valerian Mendonca, de la India, vive en un país devastado por el Covid 19. The magazine of the French association “Noosphere” published in its number 14 a text entitled “The crisis of the pandemic: ¿catástrofe or catalizador?”, and Padre Valerian has sent us a second and more elaborate version of this text, compiled in June, which we are sending to you today. Este nuevo texto, que incluye importantes referencias a Teilhard, nos parece a la vez actual y lleno de perspectivas para el futuro.

Les enviamos nuestros saludos teilhardianos,

Marie-Anne Roger, Dominique Delalande, Philippe Durandin, Jacqueline Quéniart.