Paris, November 10, 2018, to the members of the Association des Amis de Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

Subject : Call for candidates for the renewal of the positions of directors on your Board of Directors.

Dear friends,
       In 2018, there is a one-third renewal of the members of your Board of Directors. The terms of office coming to an end, 6 years, are those of : Chantal Amouroux, Marie Bayon de la Tour, Jacques Masurel, Georges Ordonnaud and André Peltre. To these 5 mandates, we must add that of Gabriel Delort-Laval, who passed away in July and for whom there are 2 years left to run, and the vacant seat which has not been filled for 6 years. There are thus 7 positions to be filled, including 1 for 2 years.

      A minimum of 12 positions is required out of a maximum of 18 possible. In accordance with our bylaws, directors are elected for a term of 6 years, with one-third of the board being renewable every two years and outgoing directors eligible for re-election. We already know that a number of them will not be standing for re-election and that new candidates will therefore have to be sought. Therefore, I would like to ask those of you, members who are up to date with their membership fees, who would like to invest more intensely in the Association, to consider the possibility of becoming a director. To do so, you must send me
your application no later than January 31, 2018.
You will need tosend mea cover letter and a summary of the key elements of your professional background and your associative volunteer experience. Your application will be reviewed by the members of the Board of Directors at a special session dedicated to this purpose and submitted to a vote. Candidates will be declared elected under 2 conditions Obtaining 2/3 of the votes of all the members of the Board of Directors, and classified within the limit of the 7 available positions, and ratification of the proposal of the Board of Directors, which results from it, by the members  at the Annual Meeting on April 7, 2018, by a simple majority of those present and represented.

But what is required of administrators ? Being a director is not an honorary position. The core missions of the Administrator are centered on :
     – the contribution of ideas and reflections on the directions to be planned for the future of the Association in the medium and long term,
     – Participating in the development of the Association’s strategy and monitoring its implementation, particularly in the follow-up of action plans,
     – discussion of the annual budgets and their adoption, their amendments and the follow-up of the operational realization and of course the analysis of the annual balance sheets,
     – the preparation of the General Assembly with in particular the adoption of the General Secretary’s moral report, the treasurer’s financial report and the President’s orientation report,
      – analysis of the Association’s activity in its operational deployment and its consistency with the strategy
Finally, depending on his or her availability and if he or she agrees, the Director may be asked to invest  in a number of more operational projects for the Association. To do so, he/she must be able to work in an atmosphere of full mutual trust and harmony with the other directors, the President and the Secretary General.

In addition, the bylaws require candidates for the position of director to :
        – be a member up to date with its contribution,
        – to know at least the thought of Teilhard and to make known his intention to deepen it and to spread it within the framework of the objectives of the Association,
to have already exercised a responsibility, for example at the local level or on the occasion of an event (colloquium, study day, conference, spiritual retreat, etc.)
           – know how to work in a team.

Dear friends, I am looking forward to receiving your applications and send you my warmest greetings.

                    Hilaire Giron, President of the Association of Friends of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin