Father Gabriel Delort-Laval died of a heart attack while hiking in the mountains.

A mass will be celebrated in his memory on Sunday, October 8 – at 10:30 a.m. – Saint François de Sales Parish

He led two retreats at the Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Paris for our Association in 2014 and 2015, before joining the Board of Directors in 2016. His luminous presence and his pertinent interventions had become indispensable to us…  

We wholeheartedly associate ourselves with the prayers of his family, friends and parishioners. 

Gabriel Delort-Laval was a diocesan priest, a member of the Dominican family and pastor of St. Francis de Sales Parish in Paris since October 2014. He had defended his dissertation of licence of theology under the direction of Father Bernard Pottier s.j. at the Institute of Theological Studies of Brussels in June 1996 on the thought of Pierre Teilhard  de Chardin*. He was also a specialist in national defense issues, in particular nuclear deterrence. He was an auditor at the IHEDN in 2010.

The excerpt of his thesis which deals with “Spirit-Matter” is published on this site. He invited us to discover the two-sided reality that is the “Spirit-Matter” of Pierre Teilhard, before proposing a scientific appreciation of it in the light of the theory of evolution and new views on matter.  – See the shop- 

He is also the author of 
Words to Believe
which collects a selection of his homilies given between 2008 and 2014 at the parish of Saint François de Molitor. The first pages are free to read on the book page, or directly downloadable in pdf.