Dear friends of Teilhard,
We wish you all, in this difficult period, a Merry Christmas, enlightened by the truth glimpsed by Teilhard, whose words addressed to Christ we recall: “… the effect of a mystical work twice millennium is to make appear in You, under the Child of Bethlehem and the Crucified One, the driving Principle and the collecting Core of the World itself.” (The Heart of Matter, 1950)
Our best regards,
Marie-Anne Roger, Dominique Delalande, Philippe Durandin, Jacqueline Quéniart.

Dear friends of Teilhard,
In the present difficult times, we wish all of you a happy Christmas, with the light discerned by Teilhard, whose words we recall here. They were addressed to Christ: “… the effect of a mystical operation that has been going on for two thousand years has been to disclose in You, beneath the Child of Bethlehem and the Crucified, the moving Principle and the all-embracing Nucleus of the World itself.” (The Heart of Matter, 1950)
Kind regards,
Marie-Anne Roger, Dominique Delalande, Philippe Durandin, Jacqueline Quéniart.

Queridos amigos de Teilhard:
We wish all of you, in these difficult times, a happy New Year, illuminated by the truth spoken by Teilhard, whose words directed to Christ, we record here: “… the effect of a mystical work of two thousand years of antiquity is to show in Ti, under the Niño de Belén and the Crucificado, the Principio Motor and the Núcleo Colector of the World”.
(El Corazón de la Materia,


Cordial greetings,
Marie-Anne Roger, Dominique Delalande, Philippe Durandin, Jacqueline Quéniart.

Liebe Freunde von Teilhard,
In dieser schwierigen Zeit, wünschen wir Ihnen allen ein frohes Weihnachtsfest, das von der Wahrheit erleuchtet ist, die Teilhard vorhergesehen hat, mit diesen Worten,  an Christus gerichtet “. . . die Wirkung eines zweitausend Jahre alten mystischen Werkes besteht darin, in Ihr, unter dem Kind von Bethlehem und dem Gekreuzigten, das Triebprinzip und den Kern  der die ganze welt sammelt, zu sehen . ( Das Herz der Materie, 1950)Empfangen Sie den Ausdruck unserer Freundschaft :Marie-Anne Roger, Dominique Delalande, Philippe Durandin, Jacqueline Quéniart.